The Whippet today :
Whippet is the breed usually longer in the body and has less power than the standard back like to have. Many of today, shown Whippets are much "shorter on the legs " as the shown below Wingedfoot bitch . The modern Whippets clearly show a less curved topline and less "curves" in general. This affects the "S" curve which we would like the Whippetexterieur see, just like the one that defines the WHOLE Whippet. The "S" curve could be entirely lost, sacrificed on the table of the current show scene, replaced by more spectacular side movement. Thanks to the efforts of many breeders in England, as well as in the States, has today Whippet Clearly, a better gait should as before, but this never fall victim to a fashion trend. The flowing, soft outlines, the balanced proportions and symmetry must be preserved, otherwise it will remain only the type loss.
In recent years, we see more and more Whippets with incorrect ridge lines, Dip rough behind the withers (as in einhöckrigen dromedary) and matching Bolligen muscle sheets. This "show dogs" lacks elegance . They often have a steep or flat croup and show a prominent fore chest (built like a keelboat) let you forget a clearly the desired curves .
The Dip , also called "exchange vortex" ( red No. 11) called, is located between the neck -before three visible vortex ( dark green ) - and the Hipbones .
are at a very dry Whippet the vertebrae often very clearly seen, while in good condition then you can also find food for sampling. We assume that a Whippet is always in top condition , so with good conformation and not too fat (or lean) forge out of its owner in the ring . bent when served in the spine Dip different from. When Afghans play an important role in this change of vortex, the Whippet should not be the case. a straight back, a raised withers or even a split back line is verpönnt . Nothing should a flowing back line break at the Whippet. one has owned the feeling of the withers rather to the neck line instead of the back line, this is clearly wrong. (Red
This bitch could still compete in the show ring, it shows perfect body and ideal back :
The Pizza Place sweet, one of the most beautiful Whippetmädchen at all: Group Winner UK & Am Ch Wingedfoot Field Spring Bryony in 1951 born (and litter sister of the English. Ch Spring Field Bartsia of Allways, father on Lily of Laguna ) was Lt.Col. AJA Arengo-Jones was bred in England in the possession of known am Pennyworth kennel. @ Brown Photo
A shows a classic 1970 born British Whippet with moderate proportions with matching neck length, harmonic withers, slight arch over the loin, simply by flowing outlines .
B presents us with a modern day, current Showdog from an Anglo-American cross connection, born 2008 . What stands out clearly is the withers pronouncierte before the dip, which acts massif and Bollig. This Whippet is a very deep chest a very an extremely long neck and angled rear .
B looks beautiful and you could invest in him the "golden section " (GS). It is pleasant to the eye and we can call it a harmonic. However, to say nice not automatically correct . This specimen shows a clear Hyper type that can well lead to faulty design.
From the flowing Whippet somewhat " square race representatives has become. B covers more ground than in the prior A has very dynamic and impressed by bulk only he sees something containing less than for a Whippet A ...
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