Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Tell If My Bladder Has Fallen

Movie Tip: Kokowääh


I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. We were now in the new movie by Til Schweiger.

The previously unsuccessful screenwriter Henry gets out of the blue offering a co-author of a bestseller adaptation participate. Small problem: the author is his ex-girlfriend and love of Catherine. It does not remain the only woman of the Casanovas, for suddenly his 8-year-old daughter Magdalena at his door, whose existence he knew nothing yet. The Small Henry's life is completely upside down. So suddenly to be father is just not easy when you have to write the book alongside his life and win back the love.

The film is absolutely heartbreaking especially the role of small Emma Schweiger is written completely on his body.

The great film music has also inspired us absolutely. From the following song I've got a catchy tune. Let's see whether you shall be made as well ;-).

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