Friday, February 18, 2011

Rabbit Pine Wood Chips


hereditary diseases and character flaws that have accumulated in some breeds more and more breeders led by computer the inbreeding coefficient (COI), ie the degree of inbreeding calculating the preference share. Articles and TV reports (such as the BBC-shock documentary "Pedigree Dogs Exposed", 2010) scare the customer wants 'healthy' dogs. This is understandable. The less ancestors both parents together in common, the healthier , future puppies thanks to such outcross compounds over several generations, be. This kind of pairing the rage ...
The whippet is a healthy breed . Except a few rare cases of congenital deafness (Major in Dalmantiner) and perhaps the forthcoming hip dysplasia (we have not yet), I have no known hazards. Our beloved dog race reached an advanced age and the first cause of death statistics in failing to stop, that is given an accident.
Even in the presence of modern breeding line has meaning. It ensures good type, beautiful whippets. Previously you could see easily with the naked eye, which came from a dog kennel. Known kennel were as trademark , we looked at the inherited qualities of what a Whippet ancestors descended. fixed line breeding not only weaknesses, of which we are afraid, but also standard qualities , as well as a loving, friendly nature.
Many well-known top sires / come from a vererberinnen Halbgeschwisterverpaarungen . This meant
: Both parents have either the same mother or same father . If one is fully satisfied as a breeder of a blood line, if the benefits are combined in one and the same animal, one can take this step. Often these breeding decision has paid off.

The following two males are from a half-siblings related born in 1989 and known as a top sires:

The American Import Normandy social standing (bred by Jennifer Penman) was Danish Champion and SBIS winner, he was in the French-owned.
His parents both had the same father ... Copyright: J. Bourdin

The native of Scotland, British Champion male Pencloe Dutch Gold (cultured Morag Bolton-Lockhart) on the podium Best in Show Crufts 1992nd
Eternteile Both had the same mother ...
Copyright: Torsten Widholm

Here are two examples from the present:

the end of November 2009 Irish-born male Barnesmore Snoop Dogg (bred by Lucinda Felicity Thompson & Thompson) also comes from a Halbgeschwisterverpaarung (mother) and is a son of the successful UK & IR & Port Ch Barnesmore Celtic Tiger . He is a typey representatives of the world-wide known Barnesmore-kennel. A Demonstrate that targeted line breeding can be a trademark. Snoop Dogg goes back to the UK & Ir Ch Painted Pony BIS winner.

Beautiful puppies from the Switzerland. @ Feb, 2011, as Suligoi
Real Christmas Children 2010, these sweet, small Swiss a Halbgeschwisterverpaarung from the kennel Avalon of Brigitte Suligoi . The breeder knew exactly what she wanted. In Feburary of that year, the dog remained empty after mating with a champion dog from the same kennel.
end of December were born six puppies. One should always adhere to its litter plans, even if it does not work right away. The mother of these sweet Frätze Whippet is a real purpose . In addition to the Swiss Beauty Title it is also International Coursing Ch . A Demonstrate for it, you can also be beautiful and powerful. The pedigree ger Avalonians goes back several times on the shown above Ch Pencloe Dutch Gold .

Some puppies looking for a suitable, loving home ...

list of some of the known Whippets come from a Halbgeschwisterverpaarung:
The beautiful English Champion Lowglen Singing Bede, the English Champion male Palmik Starry , the English champion brothers Oakbark Master Plan and Mister Wonderful , the famous Dondelayo throw Buckaroo / Ruann / Roulette (all three champions), the French champion bitch Dixmoor O'The Moon Light , the male Dixmoor Never Say Never Again from the same kennel, the French c'est. Multi-Ch Moi L'Etat du Sac à Malice, which was held in Switzerland, Int Champion male Jillian du Manoir de la Grenouillère , Swedish Ch Athos Af Seierbjerget , the Australian champion Statuesque Pillow Talk, the English champion Bayard Islay Mist at Dumbriton and the American Champion male 's Delight Customade for Mariki ( below) and many more ...

The Am Ch Delight's Customade Mariki for nine months. Bred in 1996 by Pamela Pothier. Copyright: Donna D. Lynch This male is from a Halbgeschwisterverpaarung and is an excellent product line breeding . It shows the typical breed "S" curve, very good body proportions, correct angulation and a beautiful male head with strong jaw . His pedigree combines three times the known top sires Ch MorShor's Majestic Dell and goes twice Mrs Donna D. Lynch 's matriarch Am Ch Blue's Bitter Moon ffire back.


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