Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Horse Lice

hind the Puppy

Again the hindquarters error in a schema . Quite right, what is called a hind About angulation , especially in fashion:

@ George in February 2011
click to see full-size image - to see larger scheme click

From theory to practice: The following
three puppies have the same age, they are four months old . As in the post "How to choose a puppy " already mentioned, "open" the angle during the growth.

The puppy is a little steep knee is consistently missing the adult Whippet good rear angulation. But he has a proper shoulder and a good back.

Here is a wonderful, promising baby with right good rear angulation . The rest can be proud to ...
shows Unfortunately, this puppy too much to ask: is clearly the act hocks sichelbeinig and the knee überwinkelt , the rear is subordinate.

The Puppy A has the disadvantage that it might not be equivalent to the current fashion trend. There may well be left to breed, while C gesundtheitliches is already a risk to our race, the dysplasia is in the air ...


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