Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Meny Monster Energt Can You Drink


read again Who wants to look like a good Whippetrücken has can click on this link . The back error here:

A carp or Radrücken is very inharmonious

This German Whippet from the famous kennel of Lilo Consbruch was Born in 1979. flag of the Kollau was National Champion 1981, German DWZRV, Österr. and International Champion. The standard ideas are changing, just as exposed as the Whippet breed is a natural evolution . Today we would back part of males rather than bumpy feel and thus assess as an error. copyright: 1981 Whippetjahresbuch

to flat. Often it is the desired back tension is lost ...

This English import bitch Daleforge Dancing Queen aka Jazz
(stand in my possession, and brought me Children's Champion) shows a very long back. Back voltage is present, but one could evaluate this extreme length without more than " vulnerability " ...

This young dog has a very nice reach and enjoys a good shoulder action ( light green). Unfortunately, the back in action rather flat ( red) and the croup is not the best.


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