Monday, February 28, 2011

Free American Dad Doujin

small open boat with electric motor - you can build yourself kit

rowing boat mechanics

model for similar construction of a rowing boat, driven by an electric motor, right rudder movements performs (schwimmfähig!). The simple mechanics of steering and suspension, the easy-to-mount worm gear lead to degraded quickly to a safe and functional model.

The attractive kit can be built with or without the rowers. The boat can also be retrofitted with the rowing fully equipped to be the leading figure.

required work:
saws, drill, glue away.

Without AA battery, AA, and epoxy glue.


From 11 years

Note: If this is
Opitec work packages is not on completion articles with toy character in general commercial nature, but about teaching and learning materials to support the educational work.

here along with a question


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