The ears should be rose-shaped, small and fine in texture:
correctly, it , flat worn at the neck line Rose ear shows
Glamour du Manoir de la Grenouillère . @ Painting by George P., 1993
Glamour du Manoir de la Grenouillère . @ Painting by George P., 1993
Our first beauty title ever, Österr., German and DWZRV Dt VDH Champion Harmonie du Coeur Vole shows correct rose ears . @ Painting by George P., 1995
German (DWZRV) Veterans Ch Xcess Oxana the tender Puppyalter with Semi-pricked ears. Fully
normal for a puppy. While the milk teeth and turn out to be replaced, "make" their ears what they want. We should not forget that the final bit is only just under 8 months (back teeth) done. Patience is called for, the ear may also quiet times to go "high" ... Whippetwelpen one should never additional calcium administered , proteinreichess Puppyfutter is up to the age of twelve months enough. The whippet is not a sheepdog and too much calcium can promote pricked ...
@ Painting by George P., 1998
normal for a puppy. While the milk teeth and turn out to be replaced, "make" their ears what they want. We should not forget that the final bit is only just under 8 months (back teeth) done. Patience is called for, the ear may also quiet times to go "high" ... Whippetwelpen one should never additional calcium administered , proteinreichess Puppyfutter is up to the age of twelve months enough. The whippet is not a sheepdog and too much calcium can promote pricked ...
@ Painting by George P., 1998
Too high recognized as ear erweisst here often as a standing ear must not be. The doubt is allowed ...
German VDH & Int Ch Xcess Oskar as Puppy and adult dog 1999th When they act puppies a little disproportionate (head / nose look narrower than for adult males). The eyelets do not grow in the same rhythm as the head, they contribute enormously something like " Dumbo the Flying Elephant (Walt Disney film, 1941) "The rose ear is slightly longer than the purely English Whippet drawn, the American influence can not be denied ...
false .
Something openly carried ears , the Whippet has should Terrier blood in his veins, it never be forgotten. Is he excited (as in lure coursing or racing) you go into the ear-So what is normal but in the show ring undesirable . erect ears than standard errors to assess . Often, the ears of quality in the show ring overvalued
(uaTest with Quietschtier). One should not give this flaw more observation than the body proportions, or even the movement. Accordingly, the ears for a judge not be more important. ..
heavy, thick far Men's hanging ears have the advantage, they hardly go into the air. Although it looks beautiful, those ears to a more errinnern Magyar Agar as a Whippet ...
are erect ears verpönnt . They often lead in the show ring to the fact that the question is disqualizifiert Whippet. The more natural, the Breeders (by selection of the parents) tend to a somewhat prolonged, severe ear as it wants the standard to be preferred. Such ears hang down more ...
are erect ears verpönnt . They often lead in the show ring to the fact that the question is disqualizifiert Whippet. The more natural, the Breeders (by selection of the parents) tend to a somewhat prolonged, severe ear as it wants the standard to be preferred. Such ears hang down more ...
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