Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best Interior Paint To Sell My House

If we do not all a bit "Wutbürger"

Dear co-Wutbürger ;-),

Wutbürger . So so - so this is the word of the year 2010 in Germany. In many places in 2010 was protested and demonstrated in Germany (Stuttgart 21, Castor Tranport in Gorleben, cuts to arts and culture in Hamburg, etc). It is not surprising that the German Language Society (GfdS) in Wiesbaden has chosen this time, a new, somewhat controversial word for a new phenomenon.

popularized the word above all of Berlin's "mirror" office manager Dirk Kurbjuweit, dubbed the "Wutbürger" but in October a much-discussed Essay.Das exciting new definition is its composition of anger and citizens - a contradiction in itself. The German citizen-fading really as quiet and reserved (by Ballermann Mallorca apart). Anger is rarely shown in Germany - unlike in France, where people vent their anger openly air. Should read: "The protest is in the middle-middle moved "(as Prof. Peter Schlobinski from the University of Hannover)

Here is a definition of Wutbürgers.

The Wutbürger
- boos, shouts, hates
- is conservative
- wealthy
- and not young
-. and he protested against not only oversized projects

I leave it to each of you for themselves whether such a contemporary and in your environment is ;-)

But the protesters form, from the concept rather feel vilified. Let's be surprised how it goes with the Wutbürger in 2011. We will rise to protests and in the festive Christmas season so people often only be provided by all too well.

In this sense I wish you - With Love-Wutbürger - a happy 4th Advent. added

Until soon as your


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