Monday, January 31, 2011

Kissed A 3 Year Old With Cold Sore

Laguna Story

There it still, the historic Laguna kennel
@ display from "The Whippet ", December 2008 eigenlich
wanted buy Mrs McKay a horse, landed by chance with husband Captain for Stanley Wikin because its famous Tiptree Whippetzuchstätte was near.
Thus ended the trip with the purchase of Tiptree Joan rather than a horse. The Laguna first Whippet litter fell 1945 and brought the first champion for Dorrit McKay , the beige female Jay Tiptree. This was successfully from Seagift Kennel issued.
A litter sister, Jovial Judy stayed at home and may as are called stem mother (In some pedigrees, we find them under the name Tiptree Jovial Judy and sometimes under the name Jovial Judy of Laguna. In reality it is registered in the Kennel Club under the name Jovial Judy). Jovial Judy was married to Ch Sapperly Heralder (also a Tiptree-line breeding product) and the champion dogs Laguna brought lawn (7 CC's and the BIS Whippet Club 50 year anniversary issue).
The big breakthrough came however, with the champion Brekin Ballet Shoes (a Spode daughter) which was acquired in the early 50 Glorious Years of Lady Danckwerts. mated with the lawn did throw the ultra-fine American Ch Laguna Lucky Lad (Westminster Group Winner in 1958. Winner of 9 TO 1957-1958), a pure delight. He was owned by the kennel Mardormere and was used only in their own kennel for breeding.
The result of another litter with Ballet Shoes was the beige male Ch Laguna Limelight and gestrommte bitch Lily of Laguna .

And here begins the "Kim" - Key:

@ AWC. Lucky Lad as a standard model

Kim and Mrs McKay. @ Bo Bengtson, The Whippet 1980

The English Champion Laguna Ligonier many Whippetliebhabern is a term. For connoisseurs, he is the epitome of harmony , Curves, flowing lines, very good conformation, good bone, correct angulation, long neck and head aktraktiven with small, delicate rose ears. But who knows that this blaugestrommte male with white markings "only" 47 cm withers in mass? His nickname was " Kim " and he was born on June 30, 1960 in the UK near Newbury in Berkshire. For his breeder, Mrs Dorrit McKay, he was the ultimate "pick".
She had decided on this puppy, as Kim was just three days old (some breeders are convinced, so how's baby a week ago looks like will be the adult Whippet). Kim was not only beautiful, but he wrote Whippetgeschichte. His father, the English. Ch Bella Vista Barry is the producer of 9 Champion.
The most famous half-brother of Kim is well, no doubt, "the Golden One", the Am Ch Courtenay Fleet Foot of Pennyworth . Kim's mother, English. Champion Lily of Laguna was very small (like her son) successfully in the show ring and won 11 CC's. Throw your brother (and thus Kim's uncle) Ch Laguna Limelight was the father of one of the most famous Whippets in general: Ch Samarkand's Greenbrae Tarragon . then this is standard fair "being beautiful" well in the family, or rather at the close line breeding . Kim's parents throw Stamnes both of two sisters (Bright Spark / Ballet Shoes) from Lady's Danckwerts very influential Brekin from kennel. Lily's father (Ch Spring Field of Bartsia Allways) goes back to a half-sister of Brekin-bitches. In Kim's Pedigree is three times the classic show winner Ch Brekin inside Spode .
And last but not least, Kim is a repeat litter who first brought the enchanting Champion Laguna Leading Lady . Actually, his breeder was convinced that a repetition of what he does not throw the first time brought, but something "worse". Thank God, Mrs McKay has its own foreign exchange non-compliance and so Lily was again mated with her cousin: One of the most important Whippet ever saw the light of day! issued
The first time in spring 1961 , Kim was several times Best Puppy, including at the Crufts. The Junior Warrant title he also won more than Puppy, and in Blackpool, he won his first ResCC still a puppy! After several ResCC's his first CC with BOB followed by Charles Douglas-Todd (Wingefoot ") in Hove and the coronation Kim finished second in the group. In 1962 he finished his English. Beauty title with Best in Show at the NWA under Alec MacKenzie. On the whole, Kim could decide for themselves 7 CC's and around 1966 he was the father of five British Champions - including Ch Deep Ridge Mintmaster by many to be the standard itself known, and Ch Crest Tower Flarepath Taurus . Consequently, we can say that his biggest career he had as a stud dog. From 1961 to 1972 he was in use. On the whole, he had 80 litters, they brought 340 puppies (Stud Book inquiries by Simon Parsons for the magazine "Dog World" Thank you for the effort!)

Kim during his show time . @ Bo Bengtson "Dogs in Review," 1998
Kim at the ripe age @ Bo Bengtson & Sighthound Review

Kim's influence goes far beyond the British borders, across Scandinavia and even in nearby Switzerland his children were highly rated. On the American show scene Kim's offspring milestones. Is Am Ch Laguna Leisure the grandfather of Ch Plumcreek Walk On Water (one of my favorites). However, the most successful son of Kim without a doubt who was at the BIS Ch Greenbrae Barn Dance , whose mother was a bitch-Laguna and a daughter of Kim's sister Leading Lady. Barn Dance was owned by Mrs. Clare Hodge's Highlight kennel and had great influence on breeding sites such as Stoney Meadows , MorShor, Appraxin, Rolling, Lorral, Whippoorwill Wood Smoke and in Canada. No one
would argue that sees on SBIS Ch Dela Creme de la Renta "English" out, however, ridiculed eugen no one, Kim is out of his pedigree zudenken not gone, not just as it would use the BIS Crufts '92 winner Pencloe Dutch Gold without Kim -give it all eight times in his pedigree is very impressive
represented ... the fact that very close line breeding on Ch Laguna Ligonier out was operated mainly in the States and not in the British homeland.

Laguna eye-glass at the age of 7 months. Both parents are due to Kim.
@ Bo Bengtson & The Whippet 1980

click to see full-size images - click on images to enlarge

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Itunes Membership Fees

The back

The 3D Whippet show a very nice shoulder plus a proper back . Please note: A good neck goes smoothly over into the shoulder blade. Similarly, the back line flows in a good croup. As always, a visually harmonious unit-important. Considering a Whippet from the side, the first thing that strikes one, probably the back:
Right :

The back should be balanced and have a slight curve over the loin . Without harmonious topline is smooth, the entire phenomenon lost.

bitches examples for beautiful back-proportioned and harmonious Whippets:

UK, NL, Int & Lux Ch Becscott Standard Lady of Falconcrag , born in 1999 (Zü.: RN Becquet & PW . Darby Owned by P Marston-Pollock) with its right name: it is for me very close to the standard, a substance-full, feminine bitch. I could admire in Luxembourg where they win the beauty title ... Copyright: Dalton

This champion born in 1993 is rather delicate and very classic: UK Ch Bluestreak Beauty of Bath made their Zurich .- and owner credit. In 1997 she won the CC with BOB at Crufts. (On the whole, they won 8 CC's, 6 with BOB). With 9 years, she repeated this exhibition win at Crufts, the major British exhibition at all. copyright: Cathie Brown

My absolute star and favorite female at all: (Zü. - and owner Donna D. Lynch)

born in 1987, American Champion Hamrya's Four Leaf Clover the litter sister to 'George ' is. You make my heart beat faster every time I look at photos of her. copyright: Phoebe

With good soil the topline should always show a slight curve over the loin ( right ):

on this blog are very many examples of good to see, correct gait ("View" just look at the older posts with gait-man, the 'gOogle' search above use below the blog title). Here is another example of perfect "S" curve and good back posture :

This American, 2003 born female Sporting Fields Dream Of India (Zü.: Dionne 'Debbie' Giles Butt, Brenda Jean Malick and Amanda Giles) shows ideal back posture in action. Man looks at the loose Vorführleine, the bitch is totally free . copyright: Chad Carabello

What Materials Can Block Wi Fi

The default

The Whippetstandard, as well as dog shows are conceived and made by people, for that reason is not the show scene, and the judges perfectly. There
is accurate, impartial system it is not (see figure skating). subjectivity is human, judges are not robots and have their own ideas. Equally
's creativity with the the breeder, the standard is only a framework and serves as a guide. Thank God, something is free (feature) space available by, we can express all ...

For all of which are on Info Search , and would like the ones shown on this blog Sample Drawings ( factual and correct / wrong) , there are the two most important standards (FCI / AKC) as a film!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Using Hvlf58am Off Camera

Song: Just totally sweet

Scholarships For Medicine In Canada

placed down

means exhibiting stand up.
It is important that the dog in the show ring Demonstrate feels no stress.
Whippets are "sponges" to soak up everything, is the contact person is nervous, so the dog will inevitably be. Some Whippets pose of self-love and do not need a ring training. It is vital to their pets anyway not more than one "Practice" few minutes a day, with dressage, this has nothing to tuen, it should never be forced in the games and make fun all involved. In the ring then the dog should look as natural as possible and not stand duress. If no osmosis brings his animal, it may equally be to stay. Constant practice (depositing) brings listless dogs and frustrated owners.
Whether it is a professional handler or your own dog owner, who is now with the Whippet in the dare show ring, the keyword means mutual , absolute confidence .
This is the basic requirement for a successful performance. A correct presentation is reached when this so well in the state in the movement (in the "coming and going ", circle or triangle ) free and course for Aussstehende (audience / judge) does.
observers would focus thanks to a good show, only to the dog. The man at the other end of the Vorführleine should be "invisible" ...
A puppy learns the 'Case of the Ring' when playing with my mistress or master, the use of treats for the encouragement and reward an important Role. Cajoling and stroking are desired. A young
be able to deal with 'something around the neck', in our society, there is a leash. In the eyes of a dog is the same as the Vorführleine he wears when walking.
Still Standing is also something natural. The stand on the exhibition table (and Nichtabrutschen) but you should have to try at home more often, so it's neither the four-legged friends still for the handler to Überrraschung comes. Observed a dog something in the distance, he moves not, but is fixed on what he sees now and then in your head. It's because of the exhibitor, the little dog resting to make it interesting. this succeeds, the Whippet even charisma.
A dog wants to make his mistress / owner pleasure and happiness, it is innate in him / cultured and Whippets are something very special. They are very sensitive and feel it, if the caregiver does not like something, feel themselves uncomfortable.
Is man not in it, the dog can not do his best because he is irritated!
In no case is an exhibition animal is a machine, it feels negative influences very well. There Whippets who like to be singled out and they get a lot of fun with pet owners to be in the spotlight. Of course, there It also those who love not at all and at events (especially in noisy halls), only to feel stress as well as many dog owners as well.
For me there is nothing to be better than my Whippet
in the ring. We are there (as well as in everyday life) is a unit and can take this opportunity to show what lies within us. Such a partnership between man and Whippet may take a decade, including veterans age my dogs still want to be there. The joint brings in a spotlight not only memories but also unforgettable, personal impressions where you can hold on when the 'Partner' is no longer there ...
How sits down, we see also from:

Both drawings show one and the same young males ( own Whippet ) aged 9 months. In the first sketch " bucks " the boy, holding his breath may not be "set" can be the result The back is tense and somewhat more shallow, the knee a bit steep . Although this looks dynamic, but also somewhat artificial.
The second sketch is the boy left: The back line shows the slight arch over the loin will span more later. At this age, a male is not yet mature (over females at 9 months show has already had to make subsequent silhouette). The rear hand on the lower drawing shows a nice angle, which turns into good ankles. The whippet is "cool" because the back is relaxed and thus he is also in the proportions shorter than obrigen sketch.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wemon Vs Men Submisson Holds

issue and demonstrate is an Assistant ritual.
Here is a photo of old times. Actually, not much has changed. Even today, Whippets in the exhibition ring as presented:

English Whippet Club Championship Show Progeny Class, 1956
The famous English Champion Wingedfoot Marksman of Allways (in the middle with CH Douglas Todd) surrounded by l eft to right from Ch Mistral Mrs. Miniver, Wingedfoot To Whit To Whoo, Int. Ch Wingedfoot Ringmaster, Ch Wingedfoot Wild Goose and Ch Evening Star of Allways. copyright: CM Cooke .

Just left, a "handler" to show his Whippet as it does here with Kay Douglas-Todd Noswal Wingedfoot of barbells, a little push in the catch. and would like to know what frauchen dog ... Today, many exhibitors prefer to remain 'even in the state' when zubegeben to his knees as was done previously. Copyright: Changing D. Jones, Rivermead, Stalham
The times are that build on the table is always announced today several times.
very understandable when you consider that are listed on some very large exhibitions reported up to 40 individual animals in one and the same class in the catalog. When Whippets are the judge or the judge would have to bend down each time because the dog behind ...

The enchanting Specialty Best In Show Winning & Group Winning WKC Best of Breed American Champions s e Sporting Field's Glory Bound aka Glory on the table! Perfectly made and marketed by co-owner Anna Stomberg. A sweet way of facial expression ... copyright
: Diane Kalsall, Westminster 2008
in America recently on a "bridge" is built the dog.
If you consider that there the standard of her Whippets larger and heavier, are not a bad idea ... It simplifies things for handler and dog. Would not that bad here in Europe ...

The young Vrymeer Delivers Unobtanium aka Rusty is "built up" for the judge. Rusty (bred and owned by Laurie and Rick Rusticus) is a fine Canadian boy sat very closely grown on Terry C. Taft's famous Zwinger Baccarat.
copyright: Lesely Ann Potts

Who wants to see a "perfect" Whippet and feature films, this can

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Much More Dayloght After Solstice

gait error Demonstrate front and rear

false :

The forehand should be on the rise not "open" and wide impact. Neither should the front legs crossed verpflechten still together.

This Whippet is a mad wide forehand action ( purple) and back he goes to clearly closely .

false :

The hocks should neither too wide nor too close from each other are

This Whippet is a very nice front action shows good pastern and correct precedence ( light green). The action of the hindquarters seems a bit wide ( purple). But he has a fine set and carried tail .

brings Here's a Whippet of excessive force from behind, but the action is really too broad ( purple ) .

The "right" coming and going "was (Click on this link) in another Post said ...

All drawings copyright 2011 George

Sunday, January 23, 2011

All Gkands Swell With Hiv

Song: The world is gay


so it could be the other way. Much is familiar, or ;-).
Have just discovered the song and find it very funny.

Have fun and you a beautiful Sunday. Your

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Average Cost To Ship A Bed Cross Country

Sexy: Jay Khan & Thomas Rupprath


with almost jeMan (s) where it should be passed, which currently runs on RTL again the Jungle Camp. Of course, it looks no one, but everyone looks at, of course, and when by chance a look. The gay eye inevitably stumbles on two absolute treat, namely Jay Khan and Thomas Rupprath.

Tariq Jay Khan on 31 March 1982 in London was born. Until he was seven years old, his family lived in the British capital, then saw the move to Berlin. In 1998, Khan wanted to return back to London, Jay, however, remained with his father in the German capital. Two years later he made with a grade point average of 1.6 graduated. After school, Jay went back to England after all, to study a few semesters of journalism.

At the age of 15 years, Jay was recruited by music producer Mark dollars as a songwriter. Proposed for the avid tennis player from any chance of a career as a professional athlete. The right decision, as it turned out back in 2003. Jay wrote a total of seven tracks on the debut album "It's Done" e, with the band Overkill. The album rose to No. 1 on the charts and was also certified platinum. This was followed by single releases. The song 'Send Me' nen Engel "reached in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, # 1 on the charts. Not just for Overground a great success, but for Jay - along with Triple M, he wrote this wonderful ballad.

Two years later, Jay managed the leap to the big stage - he was part of the international boy band US5. In addition to his new role as a heartthrob, he fulfilled within the band of his big brother and became the creative head because it acted as a songwriter and producer and was instrumental in many good chart positions and awards (Including several gold and platinum awards as well as BRAVO Otto's) responsibility.

Meanwhile Jay is working alongside the project US5 on his solo career, still writes songs for other artists and has successfully run the trendy bar 6vorne "in Berlin.

Thomas Rupprath on 16 March 1977 in Neuss was born. He learned to swim at the age of 7 years in Neuss swimming club. He is also still a member of the club starts, but now for the SC rise Rostock 2000, before Rupprath started for the water lovers Hanover. Since September 2009 he has also right to start for the SV Würzburg 05, with his team, he won it for the first time the German team championship. In 1990 he first took part in the German Youth Championships. The first great victory he won at the German Youth Championships 1994 when he won the contests the 100m back and 200m medley. This success was repeated in 1995 and he could also win the 200m back, 100m and 200m butterfly. In the following years, then came success stories at the international level. The first of these was the European champion over 100m butterfly at the Short Course (25m) in 1996. Once he was able in 2002 and 2003, some world records (50 m & 100 m backstroke, 100m butterfly and 100m medley), he won at the World Championships in Barcelona with a new world record in the 50m back his first world title. In 2004 he won the title on the short track. At the Olympics 2004 Games in Athens he was successful with Steffen Driesen, Jens Kruppa, and Lars Conrad compete on 4x100 m freestyle, winning the silver medal in European record time (3:33,62). Also at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, he took part unsuccessfully. He commented on his own performance with "This had nothing to do with competitive sport any more."

In 2005 Rupprath was selected before the second-placed Steffen Deibler to the swimmer of the year in Germany. On 26 June 2010 Rupprath ended his career.
Thomas Rupprath is married with his wife Urte a son and a daughter. They live in Rostock.

I'd be interested who is your favorite. Who finds it erotic, and why?
I look forward to Eur comments.

your example

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Waldorf Minicam Camera

Song: Hurricane Remix by Brandon Noreck

Good evening!

for all dreamers: Super nice song. Extremely nice remix.

good night together.
your example